2024: time to reflect and celebrate?


A study found that professional women are often uncomfortable accepting praise and don’t always know how to respond when they are thanked or complimented.    

It seems their MO is to downplay their achievements at work (interesting article by @ColinSeale HERE) and are less likely to celebrate success than their male counterparts (another great Linked in article HERE)

On behalf of professionals everywhere, we’d like to shake this up and give 2024 a great big ‘hell yeah’ - it’s time for us all to reflect on the last 12 months and celebrate everyone’s accomplishments.   

Why should you reflect and celebrate your wins at the beginning of a new year?  

Taking some time to reflect on the past year allows a clear overview of everything you did and the value of all the effort that went into it. Doing this with your team is a great way to lift everyone at the start of the year - especially when you encourage them to recognise the work of others on the team. 

While you’re reflecting, it’s also crucial to celebrate the wins, big and small, because it ‘stokes the fire’ for another fruitful year. Here are some reasons why now is a great time to celebrate the wins:  

Learn and build  

Reflecting allows everyone to evaluate what went well and why it succeeded. You can then use this information to achieve future success by replicating what you already know works (a sort of cheat sheet for success). 

Increase motivation   

If 2024 is already shaping up to be hectic and even more challenging than last year, regrouping after the festive holidays is a helpful reset while everyone is fresh. By highlighting the many things you and your wider team are capable of, including the milestones you once assumed were impossible, you can set the vision for the coming year even higher.   

Boost dopamine for greater productivity  

Recognising your 2023 success, even the smallest of wins, can boost your dopamine levels, improving your mood and making you feel happier. Happiness is known to be linked to increased productivity, with a recent Oxford University study showing uplifted workers are at least 13% more productive 

Augment self-confidence   

Remembering the things that went well, such as completing a complex project, reinforces self-confidence. Accomplishments demonstrate to the wider world you and your team have the necessary skill set and talents to achieve. Acknowledging your collective achievements allows you all to identify your strengths and play to them moving forward. 

Achieve success  

According to a Ted Talk by Mehrnaz Bassiri, identifying even your small wins enables you to succeed. Mehrnaz explains, “Small wins have a transformational power. Once a small win has been accomplished, forces are set in motion to favour another and another until the combination of these small wins lead to larger and greater accomplishments.”  

Start celebrating your wins and greatness  

Women, especially high-achieving professionals, are often quick to dismiss their accomplishments, and move on to the next thing, almost ignoring the things making them great. Let this be your reminder to start off 2024 by rightly reflecting on and celebrating your wins.  

At Consider it Done, we know success doesn’t happen by chance; it takes talent, determination and focus. You already have the talent and determination to succeed at work, but if home-admin is standing in the way of your focus, we can help.   

Talk to Sue today about how Consider it Done could become your strategy for success in 2024. 

Sue Reeve